Overview: This milestone establishes a system to evaluate the ongoing success of a product or service as the marketplace and company dynamics evolve. This involves establishing measurable criteria of specific activities and mechanisms to assess current systems and branding efforts as well as provide feedback to the proper departments and individuals so that needed changes can be implemented. This relates to the final project because it is a means to ensure the mission of the organization is continually pursued and that product or service offerings are both aligned with the mission and provide customer value. The mechanism enables the planning process to maintain its dynamic nature while staying on the course to follow the mission of the organization. Prompt: Use headings within your paper that correspond with each portion of the rubric. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: Refinement Using the idea that you have chosen, write a short paper covering the following: o Establish procedures for the qualitative and quantitative measures you will utilize and when will you use them to help you evaluate the success of the new product or service and its branding. Be sure to suggest processes that occur at regular intervals and extend across the business, explaining how results will affect decisions on whether to continue or to initiate exit strategies. Include how you will utilize both qualitative and quantitative methods for decision-making. o Specify what regular, five-step feedback loops and processes will you implement to support the new idea, keep it on track, and make mid-course corrections as needed. For example, will you adjust business functions and/or facilitate regular communication across departments? How will you collect relevant information and ensure its accuracy? o In planning for the future, determine procedures for how you will identify and integrate other factors that might affect implementation of your new idea into your business decisions and planning? In other words, what other things do you need to consider when moving forward, especially concerning your competition? Writing When drafting your paper, consider the following: o The writing should be clear and correct. There should be no major errors of grammar, spelling, organization, or citation style. o Remember to use headings within the paper that correspond with each portion of the rubric. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Submit your completed milestone as a Microsoft Word file with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. The recommended length for this milestone is 8 to 10 pages (plus a title page and references).
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