What were Homo floresiensis?
Define animal.
How do animals differ from plants and fungi?
Define larva.
Define metamorphosis.
Explain the significance of the Cambrian explosion.
What is a body plan?
Define radial symmetry. Define bilateral symmetry.
Define body cavity.
Define invertebrates.
Describe in detail sponges. (Include characteristics regarding mode of nutrition, response to environment, structure, habitat and examples)
Describe in detail cnidarians. (Include characteristics regarding mode of nutrition, response to environment, structure, body plans, habitat and examples)
Define polyp and medusa.
Describe in detail molluscs. (Include characteristics regarding mode of nutrition, response to environment, structure, body plans, habitat and examples)
Define radula.
Define mantle.
Describe in detail gastropod. Describe in detail bivalve. Describe in detail cephalopod. (Include characteristics regarding mode of nutrition, response to environment, structure, habitat and examples)
Describe in detail flatworms. (Include characteristics regarding mode of nutrition, response to environment, structure, body plans, habitat and examples)
Describe tapeworms.
Describe annelids. (Include characteristics regarding mode of nutrition, response to environment, structure, body plans, habitat and examples)
Describe earthworms. Describe polychates. Describe leeches.
Describe nematodes. (Include characteristics regarding mode of nutrition, response to environment, structure, body plans, habitat and examples)
Describe arthropods. (Include characteristics regarding mode of nutrition, response to environment, structure, body plans, habitat and examples)
What are the major groups of arthropods?
Define exoskeleton.
Describe arachnids.
Describe crustaceans.
Describe millipedes and centipedes.
Describe insects. (Include characteristics regarding mode of nutrition, response to environment, structure, body plans, habitat and examples)
Describe echinoderms. (Include characteristics regarding mode of nutrition, response to environment, structure, body plans, habitat and examples)
Define endoskeleton.
Vertebrate Evolution and Diversity
Describe chordates (characteristics, development).
Define tunicates & lancelets. Define vertebrates.
Describe the two types of jawless fish we have today.
Describe cartilaginous fishes.
Describe bony fishes (characteristics, structural components).
Describe ray-finned fishes. Describe lobe-finned fishes.
Describe amphibians (characteristics, reproduction, life change, habitat).
Define tetrapods.
Define amniotes.
Define reptiles.
Describe ectotherms.
Describe birds (similar & differences from non-bird reptiles).
What are adaptations of birds that allow them to fly?
Define endotherms.
Describe mammals.
Describe monotremes.
Describe placenta.
Describe marsupials.
Describe eutherians.
The Human Ancestry
Define primates.
What distinct adaptations/characteristics of primates differ from non-primates?
What are the three groups of primates?
Describe anthropoids.
How do New and Old World monkeys differ?
What are the closest anthropoids to humans?
The Emergence of Human Kind
How are humans and chimpanzees related?
Define hominin.
How do present day humans and chimpanzees differ physically?
Which hominin species was the first biped? Describe this species.
Which hominin species was the first to extend out of Africa? Describe this species.
Describe Neanderthals.
How are Neanderthals and humans related?
How do Homo sapiens differ from Homo erectus and Homo neatherthalensis?
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