Communication as Propaganda

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Pick one of the following three options. Then, read the additional instructions – YOU MUST
address these points in your essay, REGARDLESS of the option you choose. Some of the points
will be more relevant than others depending on the option chosen, but ALL must be
commented on.

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Communication as Propaganda
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Option 1:
In light of the COVID-19 crisis, you may choose the final exam as a creative outlet to express
your feelings regarding COVID-19. Drawing on course materials, discuss propaganda as it relates
to dispersal of information during pandemics. You do not need to discuss COVID-19 specifically,
however, and can draw on any previous pandemics (Ebola, SARS, etc.). Or, you can draw on
multiple pandemics over the course of history. The choice is yours! Make sure to draw on
course lectures, readings, and/or other academic sources to support your arguments.

Option 2:
Select a famous whistle-blower. Using/drawing on course readings, class lectures, academic
sources, etc., describe how propaganda played a role in their dispersal of “truth.” This could
mean discussing the whistleblower’s use of propaganda to spread their message, or conversely,
how bodies of power used propaganda to discredit the whistleblower’s message. Make sure to
include a brief history of the whistleblower’s situation (how, why, when, what, etc.,) and share
specific examples of the use of propaganda.

Option 3:
Select any lecture topic from class (example: media representations of people in poverty, media
representations of Indigenous Peoples in Canada, etc.) and describe how propaganda was used
to promote an idea, a message, etc. relating to the class lecture topic. Unpack this propaganda
use. Discuss its effectiveness (i.e. what was done “well” to promote their message”) and what
could have been improved or was lacking – you must support why you think certain aspects
were well done and not well done; you must cite course lectures, readings, and/or other
academic sources to support your opinion on what was well done and not well done (this is
not just an opinion piece). Make sure to draw on course lectures and readings to back up all

Additional Instructions:
Regardless of which option is chosen, when discussing the propaganda in your paper, make
sure to include:
• A describe of the propaganda: the medium/mediums used (i.e. paper, social media,
news, word of mouth, etc.)
• Offer a timeline on that propaganda: did this take place over a month? A year?
• The groups involved: Who made the propaganda? Who was the target audience? Any
unintended audiences?
• What was the overt message being spread? Then, engage with the propaganda:
o What was it really being used to do?
o Was the message effective?
o Who/what could it have been done ‘better’?
• Describe the impact of this propaganda. What lasting changes, if any, did it cause?
• What’s “wrong” or “right” about ‘propaganda’?
o What purpose does it serve? Can we say propaganda is truly ‘good’ or ‘bad’?
There is no wrong answer IF it is supported adequately with evidence.

Rubric/Marking Scheme:
30% Writing quality:
Few spelling/grammar errors, paper is well organized, including an Introduction, background,
conclusion, and title page. Paper follows all instructions, including word count (1,500 to 2,000
words, not including Bibliography.)

40% Course Comprehension:
Makes a clear thesis statement. Uses specific examples from the class readings, course lectures
and/or other academic resources to support thesis and all claims. The topic chosen is clearly
stated, introduced and engaged with. Correctly explains concepts. Engages with the material to
demonstrate and understanding and knowledge of course concepts. Addresses all instructional
points in their paper.

30% Research and Bibliography:
Uses resources effectively to address their option selection, as well as why these resources are
important to answering and addressing the topic, demonstrating a knowledge of how to use
research effectively. Follows general instructions: (APA style, includes cover sheet (with
student’s name, student number, course name, assignment title, instructor’s name, word
count, reference list), assignment uploaded as a word file (NOT a pdf) Length: 1,500 – 2,000

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