A Critical Literature Review Paper 6 pages including Title page and references APA STYLE
And also five six sides based on the essay for my presentation
REFERENCES: Renee Mc Donald, Ernest N, Jouriles, David Rosenfield, and Deborah Corbitt-Shindler
Southern Methodist University YEAR 2011
Don’t let the title be too broad, but can easily narrowed by focusing on a particular type of aggression, such as the IPV discussed in the JUMPING- OFF ARTICLE
FINAL PAPER GUIDELINESAdvanced Topics in Psychology: Psychology of Criminal Behavior (GPSN 493)Prof. Yannie ten BroekeWhat is a Critical Literature Review (a.k.a., “Critical Review of the Literature”or just “Literature Review”)?The final research paper for this course is a Critical Literature Review(CLR). A CLR is a summary and critical analysis of an area of research that addresses a specific topic, answers a specific research question, and/or supports a specific point-of-view or argument.GUIDELINES FORWRITING THE CRITICAL LITERATURE REVIW [CLR]FOR THIS COURSEòThisCLR must describeand examine the relationship between a specific risk factorforantisocial,aggressive, violent, and/or interpersonal criminal behavior, ORspecifictype of violent crime.òThisCLR must addressand explainHOW and WHY the relationship between the risk factor and aggressive exists, OR why the specific type of violent crime occursfrom multiple perspectives, including developmental, biological, and individual differences.òCLR topics MUST beproposed (see “Topic Proposal” instructions) and approved. Topic proposals must demonstrate research, and once approved cannot be changed (but they can be modified).òAll opinions and assertions in this CLR MUSTbe supported by data from reliable sources(research published in scholarly journals), and that data MUSTbe correctly cited in the text of the CLR and accounted for in the “References” section.òA minimumof FOUR, recentscholarly journal articlesabout research studies—including your “jumping-off” article—MUST be used in this CLR:öONEresearch article must examine yourtopic from a development perspective,öONEresearch article must examine yourtopic from a biological perspective,öONEresearch article must examine how individual or psychological differencesOR social learningcan help to explain the relationship between your“causal”risk factorand “outcome”behaviorvariables.öThe FOURTHresearch article canexamine your topicfrom anyone of these perspectives ORa different perspective, such as social learning theory and/or other environmental factors.òPlease feel free to use as many articles as you feel necessary, but they all must be from scholarly journals, and they all must be accounted for in the “References” section. Textbooks, Wikipedia, and non-scholarly on-line articles are NOTappropriate sources forthiscollege-levelCLR.òLENGTH:1500words (approximately 6pages, including title page and references). No abstract is necessary.òAPA-STYLE:Proper APA-formatting(including font, font size, margins, etc.), title and reference pages,and in-text citationsrequired.Please see the Purdue OWL website and/or the resources made available in class and posted on Canvas for correct APA-formatting and style guidelines.òPapers must be college-level—well-organized, thoughtful, and free of grammatical and spelling errors.This paper must be intelligible, meaning that a reasonably intelligent person can understand what is being communicated. öPlease make use of the tutorial and writing resources available to you through the college, online, and on our Canvas Page
CONTENT (65% of CLR grade)
ò Originality of writing: everything must be in the student’s own words, paraphrase and properly cite all information from other sources—do not use quotes in this CLR. Turn-It-In score should be less than 30%, including reference section.
ò Quality of the information/research included in the CLR (scholarly journal articles about recent research).
ò Completeness of the information required for the CLR (four or more articles, specific perspectives, etc.)
ò Quality of the USE of the research data included in the paper to support the student’s purpose and position.
ò Thoughtfulness: student’s ideas are logical and fact-based.
ò Avoid repetition and fluff at all costs.
GRAMMAR & STRUCTURE (25% of CLR grade)
ò Organization of information: must be logical and easy to follow
ò Grammar: must be college-level, free of grammatical and spelling errors, verb tenses must be consistent, etc.
ò Clarity: must be intelligible, meaning that a reasonably intelligent person can understand what is being communicated. Sentences should be short, simple, and concise.
ò Formal Academic Writing
ö No 1st or 2nd person pronouns, no informal language (“Moms,” “kids,” “guys”) ö No text-speak (IMHO)
ö No starting sentences with numerals, no absolute generalities
ò Word Choice: DO NOT USE A THESAURUS (synonyms’ meanings are seldom identical), your own vocabulary is sufficient
APA-FORMATTING & STYLE (10% of the CLR grade)
ò Please refer to the 7th Edition of the APA Publication Manual (2020) formatting and style rules. Available on Purdue OWL.
ò Formatting: must be neat and consistent; margins, fonts, spacing must be APA-formatted and consistent throughout
ò In-Text Citations: All data and information from sources MUST be properly cited in APA-format.
ò All aspects of this paper MUST be correct APA Format & Style. See Canvas and Purdue OWL website for examples.
ò NO ABSTRACT is necessary for this paper.
ò Interesting statistic or fact related to topic?
ò Introduce, describe variables: “causal” risk factor and “outcome” behavior
ò Describe theory. How are the variables believed to be related to each other?
ò Thesis statement: Overview of how you will demonstrate how and why these variables are related
ò Use the FOUR (or more) research articles you found to explain HOW and WHY relationship between your
variables exists (or does not exist) from each of the following perspectives (order is up to you):
ö Developmental
ö Biological
ö Individual Differences
ö A Perspective of your choice (could be another research article about one of the perspectives above, or a different perspective such as Social Learning Theory, Evolutionary Psychology, other Environmental Factors, etc.)
ò Use AT LEAST one paragraph to cover each of the four perspectives above. Be sure to include the following information about each research study:
ö Summary of the research
ö Commentary on Strengths and/or Limitations
ö How the research findings support or do not support the relationship that you believe exists between
your variables
ö How the research findings fit with or do not fit with the findings of the research from other perspectives.
ò Summarize, highlight important points.
ò Future directions in research?
ò How can this research help people in the “real world”.
ò Page MUST be in APA format.
ò Individual references for each source MUST be in APA-format. CAUTION: Many citation and reference
generators are incorrect, please double-check that their output is accurate by comparing those references to
references in Homework Assignment Instructions (#1 & #2) and on the Purdue OWL website.
ò All sources cited in this CLR MUST have a corresponding reference in the reference page.
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