Basic Steps in Planning and Formatting Introduction
The following is an outline of the thesis introduction:
1. Create a cover page with running head.
Factors Associated with Playground Injuries of Elementary School-Age Children
A research proposal submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
Bachelor of Science
Health Sciences Department
Public Health Education Program
_______________________ _______________________
Health Sciences Chairperson Advisor/Professor
________________________________ __________________________
Date Date
1. Create a table of contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Page
Introduction …………………………………………………………… 3
Background …………………………………………………………………. 3
Theoretical Background ……………………………………………………. 3
Purpose of the Study ……………………………………………………….. 4
Significance …………………………………………………………………… 4
Specific Aims …………………………………………………………………. 5
Terminology ……………………………………………………………..… 6
2. Create Chapter 1 Introduction page. Here is an example.
Chapter 1
3. Background – Write a few sentences explaining the background of the qualitative study.
4. Theoretical Background – Write a few sentences explaining the model, framework, or theory used to support your research and why. Write one sentence about the target population, where the study will be conducted, how the population will be recruited, and explain the type of study being conducted.
5. Purpose of the Study – Write one sentence why the research is important, target population, type of study, recruitment, location, and the number of participants.
6. Significance – Write one sentence explaining the contributions of the study.
7. Specific Aims -What did the study attempt to determine? Give three specific aims of the study. Start the sentence by saying,
• To determine ………..
• To determine ……….
• To determine ………
Specific Aims
1. to determine students’ knowledge about proper sleep hygiene,
2. to determine whether student put this knowledge into practice,
3. to determine the barriers of putting sleep hygiene information into practice
8.. Terminology – List the terminology you think is useful to have the readers understand the material. Avoid using dictionary, Wikipedia, and / or making up your own terms. Students must use APA citations at the end of the terms listed. Here is an example.
Sleep hygiene: Behaviors and habits that are conducive to regularly obtaining a healthy quantity and quality of sleep (CDC, 2020).
Health Belief Model: A theoretical model that examines subjects’ perceived levels of seriousness of, and susceptibility to, a health issue (Gilbert, 2015).
Self-efficacy: The degree to which a person feels capable of controllibcqng his or her behaviors (Gilbert, 2015).
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