The textbook identifies five styles of interpersonal conflict; Avoiding, accommodating, competing, compromising, and collaborating. The decision on the style to use should depend on the scenario and the value you add to that scenario.
Hargie (2011) provided “some tips for collaborating and achieving a win/win outcome;
Do not view the conflict as a contest you are trying to win.
Remain flexible and realize there are solutions yet to be discovered.
Distinguish the people from the problem (don’t make it personal).
Determine what the underlying needs are that are driving the other person’s demands (needs can still be met through different demands).
Identify areas of common ground or shared interests that you can work from to develop solutions.
Ask questions to allow them to clarify and to help you understand their perspective.
Listen carefully and provide verbal and nonverbal feedback. (Communication in the real world: An introduction to communication studies, 2016, p. 295)
For this class discussion, I would like you to reflect upon the following questions.
Of the five styles, do you tend to use one more than the others? Why or why not?
Do you think nature or nurture determined this management style?
How do you see this conflict style working in your group?
How can conflict help or hinder your group interactions?
1.)Of the five styles of conflict i think that i use to use competeting more than anything else. I always felt like i had to be the best or “win” at whatever i was arguing about. And i definatley lacked any care about what the other persons loss may have been.But eventually i saw how little this was helpin g me, or the others involved so i switched. I mostly try using conflict styles like collaborating or compromising these days. I find its much more positivley stimulating, not just for myself but everybody involved.
#2.) I think both nature and nurture are responsible. I think nurtures more responsible for my conflict style back when competing was my more used style. But i see nature more responsible for m y conflict styles i use today.
#3.) I can see collaborating working in the group. You can tell that the group members show a concern for not only themselves but the other people involved too and they show a concern for the group in general.
#4.) Conflict can be both positive and negative in the typical group setting. Good team conflict can, boost productiveness,open minds up to new ideas and perspectives. It can boost creativity and help improve communication within the group. People are more likely to feel more comfortable and open as well. Now on the other habd you have bad team conflict. Here it could negativley affect the group in several differnt ways; the group member(s
) are bound to feel like their opininions arent respected or valued, decreased work productivity or even people not showing up, disruptiobs, project failure and even could be responsible for the goal of the group being terminated. Sometimes in extreme negative conflict things could lead to physical violence.
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