Edgar Allan Poe

Post one substantive paragraph. Please answer at least two of the following questions.

1. What do you know about Edgar Allan Poe? Have you read any other stories by him? How would you categorize his writing? How does your knowledge of the author, whether his work or life, influence your reading expectations?

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2. What heart does the narrator hear at the end of “The Tell-Tale Heart”? What do you think this reveals about the narrator’s mental state?

3. Review the stories & lecture from this week. What is Poe’s “sublime”? How & when might this experience appear or enter into the story?

4. Some critics have suggested that Poe’s unnamed narrator in “The Tell-Tale Heart” is actually a woman. How might this identity alter our understanding of the story, particularly how we determine who is possibly the first victim of this story?


1- What I know about Edgar Allan Poe is that is literary pioneer who distinguished himself with his particular types of writings. His poems are always about some mysterious characters or behavior. As you have mentioned, professor, love and death are common themes in his writings. I have read “The fall of the house of Usher”, which is basically a mysterious family and there mysterious house. Every time I see a writing from Edgar Allan Poe, there’s expectation to read a story that would be somehow difficult to comprehend, and that will always be about something that gives you goosebumps. Still, I would not mind reading all his poems.

– At the end of “The Tell-Tale Heart”, the narrator, I believe, his no else heart’s but his own. However, the state in which he is in makes him think that he is actually hearing the dead person’s heart. The narrator is certainly mentally unstable. He certainly was before he killed the old man, and sure is after he did kill the man, because of the guilt. I believe that killing the man worsened his mental instability.

– I might be wrong but I think the sublime in the poem starts at the very beginning of the poem. Perhaps, we can also say that it enters the story from the moment the narrator explains what he does each night and when he explains his brightness somehow.

– If the narrator is a woman, perhaps the old man was once the guardian of that woman? Perhaps he did commit wrongful acts towards her that she kept in her heart, and that she led to her mentally unstable. After growing up, she took her revenge on the man that in reality she hated. It could be that she hated him, not his eye.


2-I have heard of Edgar Allen Poe and have read some of his work, including his poem “The Raven” and “The Cask of Amontillado”. His writing always has a dark theme to it, and usually deals with death in some way. His stories usually have a suspenseful and sinister feel to them and I do enjoy reading them. I also knew that he was a troubled soul with a difficult life, and had struggled with alcoholism and grief, which seem to color his stories and poems.

The heart that the narrator hears at the end of the story is that of the old man that he murdered and had dismembered. His hallucination of hearing the heart beating beneath the floorboards gives an insight into the narrator’s sense of guilt and madness. We already get a glimpse into his disturbed mental state early on in the story when the killer states that, despite the love he feels for the old man, his urge to kill him grew because the old man had an eye that reminded him of a vulture’s and it made his blood run cold. He wanted to make that eye go away forever.

I believe that Poe’s sublime is the concept of his story being so engrossing or powerful that the reader forgets about anything else, leaving them in a state of awe. In The Tell-Tale Heart, I feel that the sublime begins early on in the story when the killer confesses why he wants to kill the old man, but it picks up when the killer describes the actual killing and subsequent dismemberment of the victim to dispose of the body and evidence with ease. Then I feel that the experience continues as one reads through the rest of the story.

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