The purpose of this assignment is to practice with the rhetorical, academic moves you are learning in your textbook, the “They Say, I Say” format, in order to compose a thesis and support it with evidence. In They Say, I Say, you are learning how to define what others are saying, as well as craft your own claims and engage in the synthesis of sources as evidence in order to produce academic writing. For this essay, you will work on your skills in comprehension, analysis, summary/paraphrase/quotation, and supporting a thesis with evidence. You will also engage in some preliminary steps toward research.
Today’s employers place a lot of value on thinking critically, ethical judgment and integrity, intercultural skills, innovation, and a life-long desire to learn. One way to continue to learn outside of school, get exposure to new ideas, and hone your own position is by regularly reading, viewing, and listening to high-quality material, as well as discussing it with others. In particular, for this essay, you will be engaging with quality sources and making a claim using those sources as evidence in order to share your point of view with others. This assignment will allow you to organize your use of the templates in They Say, I Say, as well as show the progress you are making in the acquisition of academic skills and desirable professional qualities.
Academic Values: Critical Thinking, Critical Analysis, Discourse, Claims Based on Evidence, Close Reading, Synthesis, Documentation, Compare/Contrast
For this assignment, you will compose a rough draft and a final draft of an essay about a topic you think is significant and meaningful. You will use three sources gathered from the web or FSW databases in order to demonstrate your thesis and support it with evidence. You should anticipate “counterclaims” when composing your assignment. Your topic can fall under any of these three areas: 1) Science and Technology, 2) Entertainment and Popular Culture, 3) History and Culture, or an interdisciplinary topic that spans areas. Here are some examples of professionally written articles (“mentor texts”)1 that share similarities with the purpose of this assignment:
Your essay should identify a topic that you think is meaningful and significant, and compose a thesis statement supported by evidence (sources and your analysis) for why other people should pay attention.
The writer has composed a strong introduction and thesis statement (Intro-Ch. 7).
The writer uses summary, paraphrase, and/or some quotation appropriately in his or her use of sources (Chapters 2 and 3).
The writer demonstrates a strong reading comprehension of his or her three sources (Ch. 1-7).
The writer supports his or her thesis with compelling evidence (Ch. 1-8).
The writer’s claim and support demonstrate sound reasoning (Ch. 1-8).
The writer has a strong, well-supported conclusion (Ch. 1-8).
The writer makes his or her claim and supports it with three sources using templates and methods from Chapters 1-8 in They Say, I Say.
The writer demonstrates reading comprehension, analysis, and critical thinking.
The writer meets the standards for effective communication (clarity, logic, precision, accuracy, significance, and fairness).
The writer includes a Works Cited page (NLSH).
The writer adheres to MLA style (NLSH).
The essay is 1000-1250 words.
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