In developing your intervention program you will need to identify a health-related issue (e.g., stress, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, etc.), a population of interest (e.g., children in public school, working adults at a company, etc.), and provide specific details on an intervention designed to improve/protect health. You should support the value of your program my citing relevant research findings about the risks of the health problem if ignored and the benefits of your intervention program if followed. Discussing the value of your program will be important as you may need to entice administrators (school, business, or government) to make your program policy and/or compel your population of interest to take part. What specific things might people on your program have to do?� How will people know if they�re doing it right? How would you evaluate the overall effectiveness of your program?� What are some of the costs that the initiation of your program might incur? Would it be cost effective? An ideal program should be effective, safe, realistic, practical, easy to follow, and affordable.
A good way to begin is to first identify a problem of interest. Then consider who would be most affected by the problem. How much at risk are the people who define your population? Outline different ways of dealing with the problem that you have read about and apply these principles to the development of a specific intervention program. Outline how the program would be carried out, how people will know they are following the program, and how you will determine the effectiveness of your program. About how much effort or expense will be required? A great idea won�t help anyone if it�s too complicated or too expensive.
For example, if you were interested in promoting exercise in sedentary working adults, you would first need to provide evidence that a sedentary lifestyle may contribute to health problems such as CHD and hypertension, and show that regular cardiovascular exercise can protect against these health problems. You might indicate that companies could purchase affordable stationary bikes that provide mileage and heart rate feedback for their employees. People on the program would need to record their progress, and meet with a fitness coordinator and health-care professional once a month for guidance and evaluation. You could entice the company administrators to make your program policy by suggesting that worker absenteeism would be lower and worker productivity higher if their employees are healthier, thereby making such a program cost effective (better still if you can site relevant research findings supporting such a claim, of course!)� Similarly, you might promote this to employees by indicating the risks of not engaging in regular exercise and/or by informing them that by exercising they would enjoy improved health, strength, etc. To evaluate the effectiveness of your program, you might conduct a study where you compare mean HR and BP between your group of exercises and a control group of equally sedentary non-exercisers at a baseline and at one-month intervals. Similar HR and BP between groups at baseline, and lower HR�s and BP�s in your experimental group as compared to the control after a few months would provide evidence of the effectiveness of your program.
The term paper should range from 8 to 10 pages in length. Papers that are longer than 12 pages (not including a title page and reference page) will not be accepted.
You are required to use at least 3 other sources besides your text and the relevant discussion notes that have been previously posted.All sources (other than the discussion notes) must be appropriately listed on a reference page at the end of your paper and cited in text using APA format (see examples below). Appropriate sources include research articles from scholarly journals, other texts (ideally ones that are reasonably current), and any of the more informative web-pages that were suggested for this course.
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