Dwayne Morris Research Paper.
Research Question: Is the Music curriculum in urban high schools structured to serve its diverse student population.
Sub questions:
1. What is the school’s approach to music education?
2. Is the student population taken into consideration when choosing material for the curriculum?
3. Is the music curriculum diverse?
4. Is the school equipped with equipment to meet an urban student population?
5. Are teachers equipped to teach modern pedagogy?
Schools that are a part of the case study:
1. New York: New Visions charter high school (HUM IV)
2. Chicago: Walter H. Dyett High School for the Arts
3. Los Angeles: Ramón C. Cortines School of Visual and Performing Arts
4. Miami: Miami Arts Charter School
Chapter 1
1. What is/are the purpose(s) or objective(s) of the investigation?
2. Why is this purpose or objective important to investigate?
3. What factors led to the decision to research or investigate this purpose or objective?
4. How will each chapter in the thesis or dissertation contribute to achieving the purpose or objective?
5. What important terms require definition in this thesis/ dissertation?
6. What will be some of the important sources of information or data in this study and why?
7. What are some of the anticipated issues, concerns, and impediments to a complete achievement of the study’s purpose and objective?
8. What are the important points made in Chapter One?
Chapter 2
1. What are the important and relevant studies, research, or works existing on this topic?
2. How was each of these studies, pieces of research, or works executed? When were they conducted? What were their relevant findings? What were their strengths and weaknesses?
3. What does this body of work collectively have to say about the thesis/dissertation topic?
4. What are the important points made in Chapter Two?
Chapter 3
1. What specific procedures or methods were employed
to collect the data for this study? Are these procedures de- scribed in sufficient detail so that another investigator could replicate the study or research?
What were the characteristics of the participants in this study or what was the nature of the documents or other materials examined in the study?
What analytic tools or research instruments were employed in the study?
How and when were the data collected? By whom were the data collected?
How were the data analyzed?
What are the assumptions and limitations of the study?
What are the important points made in Chapter Three?
Chapter 4
1. What are the major and minor findings of the study?
2. What data specifically support these findings?
3. What major exceptions or qualifications are there to the findings
How do these findings compare and contrast to the findings
of the studies cited in Chapter Two?
What are some of the limitations of the study’s data analy-
What are the important points made in Chapter Four?
Chapter 5
1. What are the important points made by each chapter of the thesis/dissertation?
2. What were the objectives of the thesis?
What is the relevant literature bearing upon this objective or
What procedures or methods were employed in the study?
What were the principal findings of the study?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the research?
What suggestions can be made about future research on the
topic or in the area?
What conclusions, final remarks or summary statements can
be made about the topic?
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