Leadership and Management – Human Resources

Learning Outcomes:
Explain and critically analyse the concepts of leadership and management and their application in an organisational, social, environmental and multicultural context.
Explain and evaluate the role of leadership and management development in enhancing and developing organisational competence.
Critically assess and evaluate approaches to the development of leadership and management in international and global contexts.
Act ethically and professionally with a demonstrated commitment to leadership and management development and to continuous personal and professional development.
Assessment brief/activity
Read the case below and respond to the questions that follow:

Garvey Group is a family-owned retail and hotel company in Ireland, with 13 stores and hotels across the south of the country. A core belief is that investment in employee’s learning and talent development produces results to the bottom line. A modified balanced scorecard (Kaplan and Norton, 1996) is used to provide a framework for integrating learning and development into the overall business strategy.

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Leadership and Management – Human Resources
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A corporate recruitment and training plan is prepared annually, costed and evaluated through measures such as sales and profitability. Linked to this a similar annual plan is prepared for each branch. Existing employees’ training needs are identified using the appraisal system, with the dual objectives of both providing opportunity for individuals to self-identify learning needs as well as informing a needs analysis conducted by HR for each job role. Induction and initial training for new starters is also planned at store level.

The company uses a competence-based framework, with much emphasis put on behavioural competences applicable to all jobs, such as customer care, working as a team and ‘subtle selling’. The framework informs job design, selection and reward as well as learning and development. For managers in particular, as well as the core competences great emphasis is placed on leadership skills, decision making, strategic thinking and interpersonal skills based on high emotional intelligence. These skills are seen as essential for achieving business strategy, because sales, repeat business and reputation are so fundamental to corporate performance in this sector and managers are responsible for ensuring all staff contribute to achieving those measures.

When management training and development is planned, objectives are set for metrics such as increase in sales and return on investment.

Source: Based on a case in Stewart and Rigg, 2011

What contribution can leadership as opposed to management development make to successful performance in the Garvey Group?
How can theory related to leadership inform leadership development in the Group?
How can and should HR professionals work with others within the Group to ensure effective leadership development?
All submissions should be in the region of 3,000 words plus or minus 10% and references should be added in the Harvard Referencing Format. There is a Harvard Referencing tutorial in the Resources Area which outlines the formatting required.

Leadership and Management Development

Looking at development at all levels in the org
Difference and similarities – theories
4 of the criteria – covering -outcome 1, 6 and 7

Report of 3000 words (no introduction, no abstract, no conclusion). 3 sections for each question.
Headings and subheadings when answering the questions

3 Questions:

L&D and successful performance
L theory and how that informs L development
How HR professionals should work with Garvey group to ensure management development

Guidance to 1st question:
Differences between leadership and management – what is the differences? Leadership is a quality, ambition – achieving the goal within the culture I the organization
Focus on Goals , encourage, foster ideas, innovate, delegate and doing the right thing. Manager, focus on tasks, instruct, assign task, organize, empower and doing things are right.
Garvey group: They tend to talk about manages that they want them to be leaders – think more about vision and culture an make people follow them in their cobelieve.

Analyze the differences between Leadership development and Management Development – pluses and minuses – positives and negatives – how do they choose their leaders) Can anybody be a leader?

Evaluate how leadership development contributes to successful performance? They want their leaders to be successful, they talk about the impact in the bottom line the needs for sales and profitability, they discuss the

way that they plan as an organization and this is important for an SME (Small to medium enterprise) to keep everything tight and that employees are trained to be in the best role in the organization.

How can theory related to leadership inform leadership development in the Group? Consider Leadership theory only, Use and application of leadership theory in the context of leadership development for the Garvey Group. Discuss the use and application of at least 2 leadership theories in the context of Leadership development think about the Garvey Group.

Leadership Theories in the Garvey Group: Great Man – Born to lead
Trait theories traits like extraversion, self-confidence and courage,
Contingency Theories – success depends upon a number of variables, including the leadership style, qualities of the followers and aspects of the situation
Situational Theories – different styles of leadership may be more appropriate for certain types of decision-making. For Example; authoritarian or democratic styles,
Behavioral Styles – great leaders are made, not born;
Participative Theories – Takes the input of others into account;
Management Theories – Transactional theories. Focus on the role od supervisor, organization and group performance. Focus on the role of supervision, organization and group performance. System of rewards and punishments
Relationship theories – Transformation theories, focus upon the connections formed between leaders and followers.

Liking the people and practice relation to Garvey Group. They have an appraisal system, 2 way, where both the employee and the manager can find individuals that would like to progress and move on the organization.
How diversity impacts in the leadership. Small medium enterprise.
Read background to the Garvey Group! www.
Organization needs to react very quickly.

Identify Development needs: You want your team to be development in a way that the organization works:
Performance Management
Competency framework
Shadowing colleagues

e.g. leadership – shadowing someone that has been in the business longer (for new leaders)

How can and should HR professionals work with others within the Group to ensure effective leadership development?

Guidance :
SME – articles
Describe the types of Partnership working that would be appropriate – e.g. succession planning – train them to be a leader to understand the business and how it works.
How can LMD professionals collaborate with others in the organization – for news members of staff – virtual of face to face might increase the collaboration of new members. – Give them amore opportunity for help them to get into the organization.

Structure of this Assessment:
ICS declaration Sheet
Heading for each of the questions: (needs lots of analysing)
What contribution can leadership as opposed to management development make o successful performance in the Garvey Group?
How can theory to a leadership inform leadership development in the Group?
How can and should HR professionals work with others within the Group to ensure effective leadership development?

Reference and bibliography
You must discuss theory and practice (the study case) demonstrating the link between these
Look at the Assessment Criteria – do we need to analyses? Evaluate? Summarize?
Use Harvard Referencing and include a reference +age and bibliography

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