Movie Analysis Movie Analysis “Behind the Curve”
You will need to watch the movie, Behind the Curve. It is available on Netflix, Amazon and other platforms. You were asked to keep track of arguments/claims made in the movie along with some context as to when and where the claims appeared. Your assignment is to write an argumentative essay using those claims. The movie was a look at how we advocate for our position even justifying something like flat earth. This was not a movie promoting flat earth, it is a documentary about how reason works within the frame work of a conspiracy theory. Do not write me an essay about the shape of the planet that is NOT the assignment. The film builds arguments about flat earth theory, scientific response and how conspiracy theories work to name just a few perspectives found in the film. It also lays out the arguments constructed by flat earth devotees. A good paper may be constructed looking at one or more sets of arguments. After identifying and outlining several arguments construct a thesis and a frame work or outline to organize your thoughts/paper before you begin writing.
The paper must contain the following:
Propper APA format including a cover page
A minimum of three claims made in the movie. Describe the context (what was happening in the scenes), list the grounds (reasons for their claim, minimum of two from the movie) and the actual claim.
Your position –do you affirm or negate this claim? (State the grounds for your position, from YOUR life.) Make sure you give some specific reasons (minimum two needed) from your real world to support your position. (Do not take the claim LITERALLY – apply the intent to the real world.)
Repeat the above for each claim –again a minimum of three claims must be used from the movie. (NOTE: if your paper is still not 3 pages add another claim)
Introduction (attention getter, thesis, preview)
Preview –list the three claims you will be covering in your paper
Body (your three main points: the three claims)
Conclusion (recap your three points, attention getter)
Recap –remind the reader of your three claims.
Papers should be submitted through Canvas, I will set up a turn-it-in link within the assignment so you can check your originality. (10-20% should be about right.). late papers will be subject to my policy for submitted work
Papers must be 4 pages long–cover page, and three full pages of text, typed, double spaced with an acceptable font no larger than 12 pt.
An APA references page is required but there is no minimum number of references.
Terminology-from argumentation class (textbook and notes).
Points will be deducted for papers that do not meet the above standards.“Behind the Curve”
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