Myths of Progress on the Tech Frontier: Rhetorical Analysis Plus Research

This video recaps some of the points on this slide and the following two pages about your essay #4 topic.

English 122AL: Essay #4: Myths of Progress on the Tech Frontier: Rhetorical Analysis Plus Research (20%)

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Myths of Progress on the Tech Frontier: Rhetorical Analysis Plus Research
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Goals: By the time you finish this essay, you will be able to do the following:

Develop strategies for writing well-structured essays that have a focused thesis and contain developed and well-supported paragrahs with appropriate transitional elements;
Apply reading strategies appropriate for multilingual students;
Write, discuss, and evaluate a variety of college-level texts to demonstrate comprehension and critical thinking skills.
Explain the way style and literary features influence meaning.
Use a variety of rhetorical strategies to develop a topic appropriately
Use current MLA formatting for quotations, parenthetical citations, and works cited pages.


Dates and Deadlines:

Mon. 11/30: Live Zoom Meeting at 10:45-11:45am for Grammar Review and Essay #4 Questions

Wed. 12/2: Messy draft due for peer editing

Fri. 12/4 Peer reviews due for messy draft.

Tues. 12/8: Rough Draft #2 of essay #4 for Peer editing

Thurs. 12/10 Peer reviews due for Rough Draft #2

Fri. 12/11: Final draft of Essay #4 due.


Prompt: Your fourth essay will present a rhetorical analysis of one of the articles we read in the unit on technology, “Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation” (257-), “Let’s Get Lost” (270-), “Zoe and the Trolls” (285-), and “Twitter and White Supremacy: A Love Story” (298-). Your essay will be structured around a thesis statement and well-supported paragraphs. Please focus upon analyzing the article in question and include at least one outside source. Incorporate at least two quotations from the article or outside source. You may also include your own experiences. Please write your essay according to the following instructions:


Choose one of the four articles that we read for this unit to focus on:

“Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation” (257-), “Let’s Get Lost” (270-) otherwise known as “Wasting Time on the Internet” by Kenneth Goldsmith, “Zoe and the Trolls” (285-), and “Twitter and White Supremacy: A Love Story” (298-).

Write a rhetorical analysis of this article, evaluating the author’s rhetorical strategies and main ideas, and how effective the article is at informing and persuading the reader. Also point out weaknesses of the article if relevant.

Also include at least one outside source to shed further light on the topic, recent developments, and further considerations. Include this information as part of your evaluation of the article’s significance, validity, shortcomings, etc.

You may also include other relevant information, such as your own experience, though remember that the focus for this essay should be on analyzing the author’s persuasive strategies as well as their main ideas.


Limit the scope of your paper. Covering too much ground for a 4-5 page paper won’t enable you to get into the detail and depth necessary for a strong rhetorical analysis.

Make sure that your essay has significance. Along with showing the author’s strategies, also show the importance of their ideas.

Consider how you want to organize your essay, using the example on U2’s “Sunday, Bloody Sunday” as an example. Your thesis statement should convey a unique statement of the author’s strengths and strategies, as well as their main idea. The body paragraphs might be organized around analyzing particular rhetorical strategies or literary devices, as well as conveying your understanding of stages in the author’s argument. Your essay should also include information from your outside source wherever it is most appropriate.


Requirements: I am looking for

A correctly formatted paper from 4-5 pages (12 point font, double-spaced, with 1″ margins all around);
An appropriate title
A clear thesis, which appears in the introduction or early in the paper, and directly states the main oint you want to make in your essay.
Several paragraphs that are clearly developed with topic sentences, evidence, and analysis, and that relate directly back to the thesis.
A narrow enough focus so that you can treat your analysis is sufficient detail and depth.
A consistently organized rhetorical analysis of the article, analyzing the author’s use of the appeal to pathos, ethos, and logos, and other literary devices if relevant.
Appropriately located summary and analysis from the article you are focusing on.
At least two sandwich quotations illustrating your argument.
Information from at least one outside source to contextualize and extend your analysis.
An engaging and meaningful introduction and conclusion.


Components: Timely participation in the elements of the writing process are part of what will be evaluated for this essay.

draft #1 “messy draft”
peer editing #1

draft #2

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