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PSYC-FP2900 – Spring 2020 – Section 01 Assessment 4
PSYC-FP2900 – SPRING 2020 – SECTION 01
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Assessment 4
Personality Test
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Write a 2–3-page assessment in which you critically examine the results of a personality test you have taken.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
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Suggested Resources
The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom. A Capella University library guide has been created specifically for your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the resources in the PSYC-FP2900 – Introduction to the Psychology of Personality Library Guide to help direct your research.
The SAPA Project. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://sapa-project.org/
Larsen, R. J., & Buss, D. M. (2018). Personality psychology: Domains of knowledge about human nature (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9781259870491. Available from the bookstore.
Chapter 9, “Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality,” pages 260–295.
Chapter 10, “Psychoanalytic Approaches: Contemporary Issues,” pages 296–325.
Chapter 11, “Motives and Personality,” pages 326–363.
Myers-Briggs Personality Types.
Fossati, A., Somma, A., Borroni, S., Markon, K. E., & Krueger, R. F. (2017). The personality inventory for DSM-5 brief form: Evidence for reliability and construct validity in a sample of community-dwelling Italian adolescents. Assessment, 24(5), 615–631.
Herreen, D., & Zajac, I. T. (2018). The reliability and validity of a self-report measure of cognitive abilities in older adults: More personality than cognitive function. Journal of Intelligence, 6(1), 1–15.
Plouffe, R. A., Paunonen, S. V., & Saklofske, D. H. (2017). Item properties and the convergent validity of personality assessment: A peer rating study. Personality and Individual Differences, 111, 96–105.
Soto, C. J., & Tackett, J. L. (2015). Personality traits in childhood and adolescence: Structure, development, and outcomes. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 24(5), 358–362.
Assessment Instructions
Many people study psychology because they want to understand themselves and others better. Tools have been developed to assess many aspects of personality. For this assessment, you will take an example of a personality test and write a reflection paper.
Personality tests can be used for a variety of reasons including work placement, hiring, diagnosing and assessing, and simply identifying traits and characteristics. There are a variety of ways that we may administer, score, and interpret personality assessments, ranging from pencil and paper and one-on-one interviews to full computer testing. In order for a test to be useful, it needs to be both valid and reliable so that it consistently measures just what it suggests it measures. In this assessment, you may choose to complete a computer personality assessment. As you are completing the test, think about what you feel like and how that could impact the results. This is a fun and engaging way to help you identify your own strengths and obtain a better understanding of how personality theories can be applied to testing.
For purposes of this assessment, you may choose to take an online personality test or think about the results of a similar test you have taken in the past, perhaps related to your educational planning or a job. If you choose to try an online test, go to The SAPA Project website (linked in Resources) and complete the personality test. Retrieve your test results.
Reflect on the relationship between the dimensions and traits that we use to describe human personality.
Write a 2–3-page reflection paper including the following elements:
Explain the difference between validity and reliability in testing. In other words, do you think this test is valid or reliable?
Analyze the self-assessment experience and results.
What was your experience completing the test?
Did you find the test to be engaging? Were you bored? Did you find it challenging?
Did you tell the truth on every question?
Critically analyze the accuracy of the test results.
Do the results accurately portray your personality traits as you expected?
Do you think a person can consciously change a trait? Explain.
What is the relationship between traits and stages of development? In other words, would you expect to have had the same result ten years ago? How about ten years in the future?
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations of members of professional communities.
APA formatting: Format resources and citations are according to APA style guidelines.
References: Use a minimum of two APA citations from current (within five years) peer-reviewed sources and scholarly sources.
Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.
Length of paper: Submit 2–3 pages. Include a separate title page and reference page.
Personality Test Scoring Guide
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