Please help me do a Economics Research Paper, I have written down th

Please help me finish this Economic research paper, Please use reference as more as you need and use AEA or MLA form. If you could help me make a very perfect research paper, I will add funds and really appreciate it! I have also uploaded some examples.

REQUIREMENTS: A one page outline with the title of your research paper and that indicates what you hope to accomplish by engaging in this research is due March 4. Any econometric methods or statistical analysis you intend to use in your research should also be included with this outline. With any paper you should follow several steps. The outline is worth twenty points and the paper itself will be worth one hundred points. I will be willing to provide feedback for rough drafts of papers turned in before Spring Break.1. Have an introduction where you explain why the topic you are studying is important or interesting.2. Present what you hope to find with this paper. If you are presenting data explain the predicted relationship between the dependent and the independent variables.3. Gather data. If you are doing a regression analysis (which is not required) there should be at least 30 degrees of freedom. That means that the number of observations minus the number of variables in the equation must be 30 or greater. For example, if there are six variables in your regression, then you must have data on at least thirty-six years, countries, states or whatever your units of observation.4. Analyze your conclusions. With a regression it is very likely that you will have to run multiple tests. You can explain what steps you took to improve your results. The validity of a hypothesis often depends on whether a particular regression coefficient is statistically significant. If the hypothesis asserts that independent variable x has a positive impact on dependent variable y, the test of the hypothesis is whether the regression coefficient for x is significantly positive. What is significant is subjective, but 5% is usually a minimum (although 10% is worth mentioning). 5. Include footnotes where necessary and a bibliography. This will be more important if you decide to review economic literature as opposed to doing a statistical analysis of a problem.6. Have a strong conclusion where you restate the topic you studied and clearly state your conclusions.
You also have the option of reviewing existing literature on a topic of economic importance. If you choose this option I expect for you to choose a narrow topic on which you are going to focus. I would expect that if this is a topic of considerable debate you should be able to reach some conclusions about this topic.For your outline you should include significant evidence of your bibliography, evidence you have collected necessary data, and your expected findings in the paper.More about the research paper I encourage you to become familiar with two excellent online search engines that deal with economic research. JSTOR is available at is available through the Hale Library web page at proposal and an accompanying outline is due March 4 at the beginning of class. The paper is due on May 1. Rough drafts are optional but strongly encouraged and must be turned in by March 6. Some students have advised me that I should require rough drafts. I am not going to do this but understand if you turn in a rough draft and take my suggestions seriously it should improve your grade a great deal.I encourage you to consult with me or another faculty member as you are preparing this paper. If the paper is not turned in by the due date at 1230 PM (when class begins) 10% will be deducted from your score. If the paper is not turned in by 1230 PM of the next class period 20% will be deducted from your score. If the paper is not turned in by 1230 PM one week after the paper is due 40% will be deducted from your score. I will not accept any research papers turned in more than ten days late. Any other assignment in this class will be accepted up to 24 hours late and will be penalized twenty percent. These assignments will not be accepted after that time.I need the outline of your research paper turned in by March 4 (worth 20 points). If you are going to present a paper with significant statistical analysis the paper only needs to be five to ten pages in length. If you are writing about a current or historical paper of economic importance the paper should be twelve to fifteen pages long, (250 words per page, excluding “a, an, the”) with footnotes and references at the end of the text (use the AEA reference method or MLA Handbook but be consistent). It is probably a good idea to discuss with me what you want to write about before the outline is due. If you choose to use a paper you have done for another class as a starting point for this paper I want you to turn that paper into me in addition to your senior paper. This paper should be significantly different from any earlier work you have done. UNLESS YOU HAVE HAD THE SHORTER LENGTH PAPER APPRROVED BY ME YOU SHOULD ASSUME THE REQUIREMENT IS A 12 PAGE PAPER. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO UNDERSTAND THE REQUIREMENTS OF A STATISTICAL ANALYSIS THAT IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR A PAER THAT DOES NOT MEET REQUIREMENTS.Some examples of strong topics in previous research papers were the effectiveness of the current funding system of schools in Kansas. Another student wrote about the factors that are considered when setting insurance rates. Other topics were dealing more with economic history. There are numerous options for this assignment and I have copies of many excellent senior papers available on K-State online.If you are at a loss for a topic I will allow you to cover one of many economists, which we will be unable to discuss in this course in depth which you may wish to write your term paper on. Here is a list of a few economists you may wish to consider writing about.1. Robert Owen8. James M. Buchanan15. Hernando Desoto2. Richard Thaler9. Kenneth Boulding16. Chris Sims3. John Kenneth Galbraith10. Joan Robinson17. Paul Krugman4. Edward C. Prescott11. Gary Becker18. Robert Lucas5. F. A. Hayek12. Franco Modigliani19. Robert Schiller6. Steve Leavitt13. Robert Solow20. Vernon Smith7. Daniel Kahneman14. Joesph Stiglitz21. Amertya Sen

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