Recreational Therapy for Death Community

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Recreational Therapy for Death Community
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Description & Definition of (Diagnosis or Illness)

Using streamlined plain language that is easily understood, define and describe the disability or illness in GENERAL. This assignment is an overview and not written specific to an individual. Include prevalence, etiology or cause, classifications, prevention, common medications/side effects and diagnostic criteria; include symptoms indicated by the diagnostic criteria. Use reliable and multiple sources such as your textbook, National Institute of Health & specific organizations for the illness, such as the Epilepsy Foundation. Cite sources using APA format in this section and again with the list of references at the end of the project. This is also a good place to add images or charts if relevant and important to your topic.

Functional Limitations

Outline and describe the functional limitations in each of the six domains (Physical, Social, Cognitive, Psychological, Spiritual and Leisure and Play Behaviors). Use brief descriptive statements in bulleted format. Include limitations that may occur from secondary conditions or medications.

Description of Evidence Based Recreational Therapy Intervention

Using evidence based practice, write a summary outlining the evidence to support the selected therapeutic recreation intervention for the diagnostic group. Explain the value and purpose of the intervention to address the functional limitations experienced by those with the disability or illness. Cite references throughout the summary. Make sure you use a source from the ASU Recreation Therapy Library Resource Link. Link below:

ASU Recreation Therapy Library Resource Link
(Links to an external site.)

The RT Wise Owls website is a great source to use to gain understanding on how to develop this section. Link below:

RT Wise Owls Link
(Links to an external site.)

References: List at least five references (APA format) to include at least 2 peer reviewed journal articles (dated no earlier than the year 2000).

Goals for Recreational Therapy

What goals can be accomplished by participating in this intervention? Outline 4-6 goals for recreational therapy services. These goals need to be evidence-based and have primary relevance to improving the individual’s functional skills through participation in the intervention. The goals need to be measurable (condition, behavior, criteria) holistic and include at least three of the functional domains. Example: A person with poor memory skills as a result of a stroke (CVA). Improve memory skills through daily participation in cognitive games for thirty minutes.

Adaptations & Safety Measures

List and describe recommended adaptations that may be needed address specific functional limitations and ensure inclusion. Include adapted equipment or supplies to have on hand. In addition, list the actions that need to be taken to ensure safety. (This may include specialized training). Include contraindications. For instance, if a person has an open sore and you are writing about aquatics, explain that they should not participate until the wound has healed.

Supports & Environmental Considerations

With commitment to empowering clients for the greatest level of independence and normalization, additional supports and environmental features need to be considered. Outline your ideas and suggestions for supports. Examples: 1) establish a peer buddy system for clients who need more hands on help. Environmental considerations may involve details such as reduce noise, conduct in a small space, etc.

Resources and Referrals

Imagine that you are asked by someone to provide information about where they can participate in the activity or how to gather the best resources to do the activity at home. What would you tell them? Develop a list of resources and referrals that outlines information helpful to a person diagnosed with the illness/disability and is interested in participation in the specific recreational activity. Include books, websites, equipment/vendors, leagues, state and national organizations, programs and services, etc. This section is to be designed based on where you are currently living. If you are in Arizona, this section will have Arizona local resources. Example: Ability 360 Sports and Fitness Center
(Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)

In APA format, include a comprehensive reference list (and in-text citations) used for the project.

Highly useful APA style guide
(Links to an external site.)

Activity Plans

A recreational therapist spends a large portion of their time planning specific activities to do with clients using specific modalities/interventions. Using Google, activity books, Pinterest and other resources available to you, develop at least four (4) activity plans that you would facilitate during four separate sessions. This section will be multiple pages and will include images to help describe the activity. Design the activities based on the intervention you selected. If it is a sport like cycling, write an activity plan for four progressive riding sessions explaining how you would lead them. If you are using performing arts, outline four sessions. Each activity plan needs to include the following content at a minimum. Remember, the idea of an activity plan is to ensure that anyone who reads the plan will know how to implement it consistently.

Activity Name and Description
Goals of the activity (include physical, cognitive, psychological, social, spiritual & leisure)
Space & Time
Environmental Needs
Procedures (step by step explanation; set up, instructions, implementation)
Evaluation (Identify how outcomes will be assessed. This can be done with specific questions, or a tool can be used if relevant such as using a leisure satisfaction scale or a pain assessment).

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