Choose and complete 5 of the following 10 activities.
a minimum of 150 words in length to receive credit unless otherwise noted. For full credit your answers must demonstrate an understanding of historical information, people and concepts by incorporating information from our class text, images, videos and materials. Your answers must also include your own thoughts, opinions, ideas, or reactions to the information.
#1: Compare the Ottoman Empire in the 1600s to Europe in the 1600s. What similarities and differences do you notice?
#2: I would like you to draw, paint, or graphically design three symbols (a mark, sign or image that indicates, signifies, or is understood as representing an idea, object, or relationship) that represent our three early modern Islamic dynasties; the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal Empires. I would then like you to explain how and why each symbol is a representation of its dynasty.
#3: An overarching feature of all three Islamic empires was the ethnic and religious diversity of their populations. What measures did the rulers of the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal states take to address this diversity? In what ways did these measures strengthen their states?
#4: What was the Enlightenment? Why were its ideas revolutionary? How does the Enlightenment still impact us today?
#5: Compare and contrast the American, French and Haitian Revolutions. What similarities do you see with how these revolutions played out? What were their differences?
#6: What do you see as some of the positive aspects to the ideology of nationalism that developed in the 1800s and still shapes our world today? What do you see as some of nationalism’s drawbacks and problems?
#7: What do you see as the five most important historical aspects that made the industrial revolution possible? Make sure to explain why you chose each item.
#8: There have been several examples from this week of how the process of industrialization is in part fueled by necessity driving invention and innovation. I would like you do discuss an example from our world today of how this process is still ongoing? What modern technology or invention is an example of necessity driving invention and innovation?
#9: What do you see as the positive aspects of industrialization? In general how did it positively impact the locations that industrialized? What do you see as the negative aspects of industrialization? In what ways were the locations that industrialized negatively impacted?
#10: We have discussed many important and interesting historical figures this week. I would like you to choose one of the individuals we discussed and find similarities to someone you know today. This can be someone you know in your personal life or someone famous/well known you are familiar with. Explain why the historic figure reminds you of your modern choice. What aspects do they share in common? What do you think would happen if the two people ever met each other.
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