This essay fulfills the course requirement to conduct written research on a work of art or architecture. The work of art (or architecture) that you select will also be used to create your Research PowerPoint (due in Module 3). This work of art or architecture must be from the eras covered in Modules 1 and 2. Your topic does not have to be covered in the textbook, but it should have been created during the Prehistoric era through the Ancient Greece (Module 1 through 2). In your paper, you must provide a clear thesis and demonstrate your support for that thesis in your research. I want to see your thesis stated by the end of your first paragraph. Remember, a thesis is: a statement or theory that you intend to prove by the end of your paper.
3 pages, double-spaced and typed, in 12pt. font
at least 3 sources (other than your text)
Information Literacy
You must use this Research Resource Guide
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(press home, art & architecture) to access the following credible academic sources on the basis of your research:
Websites and encyclopedic entries will not be counted as appropriate research sources. What is provided for you through the Research Resource Guide are the required, credible, peer-reviewed sources you will need for this assignment. If you are unsure of the legitimacy of any of your sources, please ask the instructor.
You must provide a clear thesis, which states what you hope to show about a specific work. For example, you may want to discuss a work of architecture and its relation to social and political ideas of the society that created it. If the artist’s biography is known, you may discuss how the work of art might relate to that biography.
Provenance is the history of ownership. In addressing provenance, you answer: Was the work commissioned and why? If not, why was it made? What were the artist’s intentions?
How do factors like the historical context and location shape the meaning of the work?
Remember that in discussing style, you are often referring to a period style or regional style. You must also utilize formal analysis in your approach to communicating the work’s key features. Give attention to the materials and techniques the artist used to effectively communicate their ideas.
The possibilities are endless, but you must demonstrate that you understand the interpretations of a work of art architecture. This should be responsive to the research you have encountered, and you may be expanding upon or arguing against previous research.
You must include MLA
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citation style, with endnotes and a complete bibliography on two separate pages at the end of the paper. Your endnotes should be on their own page, as well as your bibliography. You don’t need to fill these two pages, but they should be on separate pages at the end of your paper. A full resource guide to MLA citation is also included in the Research Resource Guide.
The essay is worth 125 points and will be graded based on the Research Essay Rubric. This assignment is due at the end of Module 2.
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