• 1 Paper
Students will construct an APA style paper (for explanation and help see the footnote) [1] on the topic of Major Depressive Disorder. Students should begin their research with the DSM-V (available in the reference section of the AVC library or online). Students should include the following 5 sections in their paper: 1) Diagnostic Features including Symptoms, 2) Prevalence, 3) Course, 4) Familial Pattern, and 5) Treatments. The research paper must be typed in APA format (including citations, font, and margin requirements) and submitted online by the due date above (no emailed papers will be accepted). Remember that this is a completely online course, thus any technological issues the student experiences at the last minute resulting in the paper being submitted late will not be accepted. The paper must be submitted online via CANVAS as a Word document (.doc or .docx). The length of the research portion of the paper will be 7 pages. The title page, abstract page, and reference page do not count toward the total number of pages. Thus, each student will submit at least 10 total pages. The paper should cite and reference at least 8 sources of information. This is a research paper so do not include your opinion or try to make a persuasive argument; rather your paper should reflect what experts in the field say about the topic of Major Depressive Disorder. All references must be peer reviewed scientific journals or books – no other references will be accepted. For example, webmd.com is not an acceptable reference source. Research or reference librarians are the individuals best suited to assist accessing these journals. I highly recommend EBSCO for your research because most of what you find there is a peer reviewed scientific journal.
summarizing the research literature and reporting on this. I am however very interested in your ideas, opinions, and thinking, so please include this in the reflection paper only. The reflection paper does not have to be in APA format but it does need to contain critical thinking about the researched material. Thus, when combined with the 10 page research paper, there will be a total of 12 pages (10 for the research paper and 2 for the reflection paper) that are submitted online. The paper is worth 200 points.
Its under my paper submit section Attach your APA style paper in a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) only. Do NOT wait until the last minute to upload the paper as it will not be accepted after the deadline. The following is a GREAT summary of how to format a research paper according to APA style:
7th Edition APA Format.docx
Also, you can check out the URL below for an example of a student research paper to give you a good visual of what it looks like. Please be aware that the example does not contain an Abstract page (and your paper should). Also, your paper should NOT be written in first person narrative at all.
https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/paper-format/student-annotated.pdf (Links to an external site.)
Lastly, I’ve uploaded a digital version of the DSM-V (located on the files tab). Look at the section titled Depressive Disorders starting on p. 155
these are the links we can use :
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