“The secret of our success is that we never, never give up.” – Wilma Mankiller (Cherokee activist, social worker, community developer and the first woman elected to serve as Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation). Tell us about a time when you were less than successful at something. What were the circumstances? How did you respond to being less than successful? What lessons did you learn? please include these points in the essay felt less succesful coping with the college situation during the pandemic… Wasnt able to focus as much in the online classes so my online test scores were coming down in february my grandfather passed away and my 11th exams were going on and lot of emotional upheaval as my parents were distraught..but i didnt give up still worked very hard to focus and get a good score In august even though we were very careful our whole family tested positive for covid my parents were down with fever and were hospitalized and me and my siblings had to take care of each other and the household in isolation these were the tough times , I had to take care of the house , in isolation , there was no way seeing my parents ,except over phone. But it all worked out well in the end. Some more points to include – My father lost his job in Sept due to covid economic situation. So the pressure is on all of us to get placed in a good college and also with good scholarship so that we can somehow get thru this.
Papers are written from scratch We have molded our writers to develop content for all assignments from scratch. This way, we promote originality and reduce cases of plagiarism that might affect your grades and hinder you from realizing your academic goals. We encourage our clients to indicate the deliverables that should be featured in the final paper. Our online help services allow one to make a clarification and even interact with the writer directly to help them understand the needs of the assignment. Many of our writers are professional tutors who understand the approaches that should be used to fulfill the specified instructions. Every time a client places an order on our system, we link them with the most qualified writer in the subject of interest.
YUnlike other writing companies, we encourage clients to draw back their money at any stage of the writing process if they experience any uncertainties with the quality of generated content. However, you will hardly have to make this decision because of our business approach that suits your needs.
We have an advanced plagiarism-detection system that flags any work that fails to meet the required academic expectations. Our company thrives in honesty, and as such, you will be guaranteed to achieve a paper that meets your expectations.
We encourage our clients to return papers for revision seven days after the last submission for free. Depending on the proposed changes, we will work on your article to achieve the desired expectations.
We uphold confidentiality and privacy through our interactions with clients, an aspect that has enhanced our relationship with prospective customers seeking for assignment help. We do not disclose your information with third-parties
We boast of a diverse pool of ENL and ESL professionals who respond with a personal touch to the needs of every client. Our focus is to become the best platform that offers specialized services to individuals to accomplish their academic goals.