To reflect upon an incident that focuses upon one competency within the ‘Nursi

My placement incident/case:

The case involved an unsettled service user in the unit where I did my student nurse placement. It is an adult rehab unit meaning it is not a secure unit. Patients that are not sectioned under Mental Health Act can leave the unit but are still required to inform a member of staff when leaving the unit just in case of any appointments/plans other may involve the service user or in case of a fire outbreak. The service user in question was causing lots of trouble in the unit by leaving the unit overnight even in weekends without letting staff know and returning to the unit intoxicated of all sorts of illegal stuff- cannabis, spice and anything available to him. When confronted he said he is not sure what he had taken. His attitude is now affecting other service users in the unit, because some of them started copying his bad behaviour. To rescue the situation the manager decided to get the police involved. The police came with their sniff dogs to sniff the whole unit. All service user rooms were searched and sniffed by the dogs. Two service users were detected of substances by the sniffer dogs. So a USD test was carried out on both of them but the result was negative. All service was included in the inspection to ensure fairness. Unfortunately the service user in question was not on the ward when inspection was carried out. My responsibility was to carry out USD test as well as show the police around the unit and also to ensure that the service user on ward remain on the ward during the inspection. The decision taken improve situation drastically afterwards because the patient in question became more settled and started working with staff.

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To reflect upon an incident that focuses upon one competency within the ‘Nursi
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Course work 1: Reflective Essay
Format of the submission including word count or its equivalent: 1,500 words
Assignment title:
To reflect upon an incident that focuses upon one competency within the ‘Nursing Practice and Decision Making’ domain.

Feedback Method:
Written feedback will be embedded within Turnitin.
6. Demonstrate the enhanced reflective skills which contribute to personal theory and knowledge building for professional practice.
Overview of assignment:
Consists of a written reflective essay that demonstrates and articulates a developing understanding of professional knowledge and skills in relation to practice learning during Level 5 placements (Placement experience and not simulation lab experience).
While undertaking your placement you will be assessed upon 4 domains that consist of 18 competencies. These 4 domains are:
Professional Values
Communication and interpersonal skills
Nursing practice and decision making
Leadership, management and team working.
You will select an incident from your clinical practice at level 5, which meets one of the competencies within the Nursing Practice and Decision-Making domain to reflect upon, using the Rolfe Jasper and Freshwater framework (2001/2011).
The suggested structure of the essay is as follows:
• Introduction – which competency to reflect on and why you have chosen this incident
• Description (What) – Brief description of the Incident you are using.
• Discussion (So What) – Using Rolfe Jasper and Freshwater reflective
• Explore the incident you are using. This should include
• Clear focus on one of the four competencies in the domain
• Involves a focus on Nursing Practice and Decision-Making
• Your participation/contribution to either; ‘person centred & humanised care’ (Adult) or ‘family centred & humanised care’ (CYP) or ‘the principles of personal recovery’ (MH).
• Includes appropriate professional references to evidence based practice and policy.
The introduction and description should be no more than 400 words allowing 1,100 words for discussion and conclusion.
As this is a reflective piece of work it is acceptable to write this in the first person, so no need to justify the use of ‘I’.
The 10% word counts rule apply so exhaust all the word counts – 1650 EXCLUDING REFERENCES.
Please ensure that references are not less than 10yrs.
-Please ensure that when citing in-text please include page numbers. This is absolutely important.
-Use academic references please.
-Please ensure that in-text citation is in tune with references sources page.
-Please ensure that sources are available.
-Please refer to the 2 recommended sources provided.
-Use at least 15 sources
-I expect a sound academic writing. Preferably someone with excellent English writing ability.
-This is a second time I am ordering this work because the so called completed work I ordered and paid for was very poor. This is not appropriate but I had to be frank about it.
– I need a decent writer please.
-Preferably use sources from western world please

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