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When looking at crime patterns the main purpose is really looking at the crimes being committed and how they’re all similar and then placing them into basically their own categories to track them but also separate the different common patterns. Now like any pattern over time it can change or form a complete opposite way, what I mean by that is say you had a hotspot crime pattern area but with these current protests going on the hotspot and type of crime pattern would say switch more to looting and rioting rather than say a residential area with burglaries. There are seven different crime patterns that are commonly watched and reported during crime analysis which are a Series, Spree, Repeat Victim, Repeat Offender, Hot Spot, Hot Target, Hot Product. Then there is also the fact of spatial and demographic crime patterns that could come into play too. A lot of these patterns also don’t just form on their own it needs to be collected through data through the obvious reporting of the actual crimes through witnesses or 911 calls along with statements from patrol officers or tactical analysts (undercover agents really). Some of these patterns can share things such as the types of victims, the property targeted such as banks for crimes, the type of items being stolen, mostly the crime analyst will be looking for common areas that the crimes share and put them into their known patterns for patrol officers and their agency to respond to or observe (Sagepub,2017).
Series- A series of crimes is when similar cases of crimes are committed by the same offender to one or multiple victims. This could include a series of burglaries where the suspect tends to only target elderly couples’ home.
Spree- A spree of crimes is when there is multiple crimes being committed with the same pattern such as a murder spree where the suspect is choosing victims the same way but say ever block they reach they choose a victim with a certain pattern.
Repeat Victim- A repeat victim is when a victim has multiple crimes committed against them in a short matter of time, the best example I could think of is sexual harassment at a workplace or elsewhere.
Repeat Offender – A repeat offender is someone or multiple people who commit crime of a short period of time, which could be theft or armed robbery, etc.
Hot Spot- A hot spot is where an unusual amount of criminal activity is being committed during a given time by one or more offenders, biggest example for that right now is the riots going on.
Hot Target- A hot target is an area that doesn’t have to necessarily be in the same location but it is a common area for a crime to be committed, a good example would be a residential area that doesn’t have good target hardening or poor lighting, understaffed law enforcement, etc.
Hot Product- A hot product is a property that is subject to different types of crime such an apartment complex that may be known for many different types of crimes occurring there.
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