Wiki Research Project on Polycystic Kidney Disease. No plagiarism, it will be scanned using for plagiarism detection.
Using word document in 12 point single space write a wiki research project in your own words following the outline below, make sure all information is included from the following:
You will need to characterize the disorder/disease, identify the locus of the mutation (what chromosome, p or q arm, what region) and type of inheritance it follows (e.g. autosomal recessive). Talk about what gene or gene product (protein) is mutated and the consequence of that mutation. Include the molecular cause of the disease (for instance: the gene-product of gene XYZ is an altered enzyme that is no longer functioning in converting substance A to B. As a result, substance A accumulates and becomes toxic). Search whether there is a treatment or cure for the disease. Is there a possible treatment or cure available in the future? Don’t forget to add pictures and references (in APA format). Use primary references. You can also include Youtube videos. Sometimes it is important to see what somebody with the disease looks like or is struggling with. You may add fun facts or anything else that is appropriate and interesting. Do not use private images (e.g. Photos from Flickr or Facebook) that are on the internet.
*2 pages font size 12 (1000 words) when written in a word document (without images). Write in full sentences, don’t use bullet points. Images and videos are not counted as a page, 2 full pages of text single line 12point times new roman.
Your Wiki website must contain the following:
1. Title
Polycystic Kidney Disease
2. Description of the disease/disorder
3. On what chromosome and section is the mutation located? Include a picture of the chromosome.
4. What protein is involved / what does it do?
5. What is the consequence of that mutation?
6. How is it inherited?
7. Is a genetic test available?
8. What are the treatment options?
9. Will there be a treatment in the not too distant future (gene therapy, immunotherapy)?
10. Add JPG images, videos of the disease, other important information, cool facts, etc.
11. References- 10 to 15 references, use primary resources only. Use these links below, but definitely include reference from the omim website. Use other links of your preference if needed also. APA format.
Must use this link:
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