workshop 5 Reflection/Scott Step 6 & 7
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Due Nov 27 by 11:59pm Points 15 Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
Workshop 5: Street Youth/Homelessness Reflection Name: ____________________
Reflect on the workshop material and answer the following questions:
1. If a teen runs away from home, that adolescent is at high risk for many negative events. Did you ever run away as an adolescent? Did you ever consider running away? Did you have friends or acquaintances who ran away? What were the consequences?
2. What do you imagine being homeless as a teen is like? What challenges do you picture? How would you support a teen who is homeless as a community member?
3. After watching the video on Rebecca, George, Samantha and Griffin, list 5 key factors and discuss domain areas (cognitive, physical, social/familial, and emotional) for Rebecca and George. List coping mechanisms and resiliencies for both Samantha and Griffin.
Workshop Rubric
Workshop Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
5.0 to >4.0 pts
Level 4
Very well organized No errors in spelling and or grammar
4.0 to >3.0 pts
Level 3
Well organized No errors in spelling and or grammar
3.0 to >2.0 pts
Level 2
Generally well organized Minimal errors in spelling and or grammar
2.0 to >0 pts
Level 1
Poorly organized does not follow the format Several errors in spelling and or grammar
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
5.0 to >4.0 pts
Level 4
Creates an insightful explanation of the term’s relevance to themselves as a learner that reveals critical thinking and self-reflection.
4.0 to >3.0 pts
Level 3
Creates a somewhat insightful explanation of the term’s relevance to themselves as a learner that partially reveals critical thinking and self- reflection.
3.0 to >2.0 pts
Level 2
Creates a basic explanation of the term’s relevance to themselves as a learner that reveals limited critical thinking and self- reflection.
2.0 to >0 pts
No Marks
Does not include an explanation of the term’s relevance to themselves as a learner.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
5.0 to >4.0 pts
Level 4
Includes more than one (1) comprehensive, relevant example of how they will apply the meaning of the term in their future practice.
4.0 to >3.0 pts
Level 3
Includes one (1) comprehensive, relevant example of how they will apply the meaning of the term in their future practice.
3.0 to >2.0 pts
Level 2
Includes one (1) slightly relevant, but vague, example of how they will apply the meaning of the term in their future practice.
2.0 to >0 pts
Level 1
Does not include an example of how they will apply the meaning of the term in their future practice.
5.0 pts
Total Points: 15.0
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