Choose a sporting event and watch it on television (or live, if that option exists and you can do so safely). All leagues and sports are fair game, from multi-million dollar professional associations (such as the NBA) to local, amateur organizations (such as Pop Warner Youth Football). Keep in mind, however, that the best events will allow for a comprehensive and insightful analysis of many of the themes we will be studying this quarter (gender, violence, racism, sexuality, and commercialization, to name a few). Please report the manner in which your chosen event combined these political, sociological, and economic issues within a unified cultural system. Much of this analysis will be accomplished by paying close attention to the demographics of the athletes and the audience (at least that you can see on TV), and the advertising that is evident (to name a few features), INSTEAD of the contest itself. In other words, don’t fall into the trap of describing the action of the game or match. The goal is to observe the social and cultural features of the event in lieu of its competitive nature (unless the competitiveness can be linked to race, class, etc). Your observation will be four to five pages long and typed in the standard format (double-spaced, normal-sized type, and one-inch margin
The team and game I chose to observe is: DODGERS VS TAMPA BAY RAYS world series game 2
Extra notes provided by the professor : look at commercials (eg: what types Beers,cars and foods are shown ) also think about the two stadiums (tampa bay staidum vs dodger stadium), Atmosphere of the games rather that the players and the games itself.
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